Pooja Parupalli可能是一句老话的好例子,“不是所有的流浪者都迷路了。.”
她在Barry-Wehmiller中扮演了几个不同的角色,才找到最适合她的天赋和才能, 但成长和繁荣的机会不断出现.
Pooja目前是高级战略营销研究分析师 BW Packaging, Barry-Wehmiller集团公司提供全面的包装机械和解决方案, including flexible packaging systems, 刚性容器的灌装和关闭系统, labeling, 终端解决方案和完整的包装线整合.
在巴里-威米勒的职业生涯中,普贾一直为外围十大菠菜app的 Design Group 工程咨询公司和企业人员团队. 每担任一个职位,她都能找到加深知识和提高技能的方法.
“I’ve never not found an opportunity, or a place to move, or another leader to learn from here,” Pooja said. “我认为这是一段可用的旅程,你可以开拓——作为真正的人类领导力的一部分——你可以提高自己的声音, 说你对一些听起来与你的职位无关的事情感兴趣, but you can still learn from it. I've heard a lot of people say that here.”
Pooja的旅程将她带到了BW包装,在那里她通过将他们的见解与市场情报结合起来,帮助他们确定重点,为各自包装业务的产品线领导者和战略营销领导者提供支持. 企业利用这些信息来确保他们的创新, commercial, and operational strategies are all aligned.
“外围十大菠菜app正在瞄准新市场,但外围十大菠菜app希望确保它们是成长型市场,”普贾说. “外围十大菠菜app希望确保外围十大菠菜app有正确的要求,外围十大菠菜app认为外围十大菠菜app需要与外围十大菠菜app现有的客户, 但也许未来的客户和趋势都在迅速变化. So, just try to keep up with that, 确保外围十大菠菜app向外围十大菠菜app的领导者提供最好的情报,这样当外围十大菠菜app在创新和开发新产品时, or even supporting new things, supporting current customers, 外围十大菠菜app正在尽外围十大菠菜app所能利用最好的信息.”
作为BW包装的一部分工作使Pooja更加认识到Barry-Wehmiller公司对日常生活的影响, including sustainability. And for her, 这与Barry-Wehmiller建立一个更美好世界的使命和BW包装公司“关心的人”的座右铭是一致的. Solutions that perform."
“所有这些公司都说他们想要可持续发展,”普贾说. “They made all these promises, 但正是外围十大菠菜app的设备让他们真正实现了这些承诺.
“I think packaging is tied to globalization. To be able to facilitate that, 总有东西从一个地方移动到另一个地方, and you can't do that without a package. 外围十大菠菜app不只是拿着罐头从一个国家带到另一个国家. And so, as we think about the world, 让它更可持续发展的机会和兴奋, for actually creating a better world, is really there in packaging.”
Pooja第一次访问BW包装设施是为了 BW Flexible Systems in Duncan, South Carolina. BW柔性系统生产的包装系统,袋或包装食品或非食品产品. In terms of food products, their markets include bakery, confectionery snack foods, frozen foods, fresh produce, cheese and many more items.
“外围十大菠菜app一整天都在谈论奶酪,”普贾说. “还有你包奶酪和切奶酪的不同方法. It was wild. And it was really, 了解它真的很有趣, 它甚至不只是包装它, but then it has to be sanitary, then it has to be sustainable. 所有这些你没有真正考虑过的事情, I guess, but they felt really, really tangible. 现在很难不去任何地方,不去注意包装了.”
Pooja在Barry-Wehmiller职业生涯早期学到的基本技能仍然适用于她现在的角色. In particular, listening skills, 在巴里-威米勒大学内部教授的课程, 以及它们如何不仅影响公司内部的关系, but with our customers as well, 最终是外围十大菠菜app努力建设一个更美好世界的另一部分.
“关于倾听,外围十大菠菜app谈了很多,”普贾说. “无论是帮助制造工厂的员工获得更好的流程, 或者一个更安全的过程,这样他们就能更好地使用外围十大菠菜app制造的设备, 然后把(他们的产品)卖给人们. I think that's one side of it. 而另一方面,它只是一种试图让世界变得更美好的服务. We do want to do what's the right thing. We do want to do the best thing.”
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