In the 26 years he’s been with Barry-Wehmiller – specifically our BW Papersystems 总部设在菲利普斯的公司, WI,他是现场服务技术人员, 在这个领域有工程师的角色吗, became an engineering leader for an aftermarket group, transitioned into a product leadership role and is now the director of field service for all BWP service team members in North America.
But just as Matt has seized opportunities presented to him within our 组织, he regularly looks upon his role as director of field service and those field service technicians within his span of care as responsible to seize another kind of opportunity.
BW Papersystems builds corrugators and corrugated finishing equipment; folio-size, 基本尺寸, and digital-size sheeters that companies use to convert paper, 董事会, 和其他材料装入盒子, 折叠纸盒, 复印机用的连环纸, 和护照.
And field service is very much the frontline when it comes to fulfilling our customers’ expectations.
“噢,现场服务对外围十大菠菜app来说太重要了,”马特说. “你可以想象,这非常重要. 外围十大菠菜app代表了很多东西, 外围十大菠菜app作为一个组织的技术能力, 外围十大菠菜app组织在客户面前的形象.”
现场服务技术人员有多种职责, including performing preventive maintenance on production and facility equipment; operating machines through trial run to ensure that quality and rate of production meet specifications; training customer personnel in adjusting, 维护, and repairing machinery or equipment; and perhaps most importantly, communicating equipment issues and resolution to operators and repairing or coordinating repair of worn or defective machinery or equipment.
With field service providing such a crucial role to our customers, 服务的态度是绝对需要的, which can help to foster one of the most important elements in building trust.
“When it comes to building that trust with the customer, there’s the competency element and the consistency element and, 当然, 有诚实,马特说. “But, the last element is compassion, or the caring portion. For us, to build that trust, they have to see that we care about what their issue is.”
Barry-Wehmiller works to ingrain this caring spirit within our team members through various trainings, but especially through classes in our internal university.
One of which is our Culture of Service Foundations class. 在“服务文化”课程中, 外围十大菠菜app教导说,责任是与生俱来的, 但必须承担责任. 这不是把别人的脚放在火上, it’s about lighting a fire inside a person – helping to instill an intrinsic sense of ownership of a job or task and then the willingness to face the consequences of its success or failure.
The Culture of Service Foundations course works to shape new ideas around service – from re-defining a customer from an external person to your co-worker, 你的家人, 即使是你从未见过的人. It teaches the idea that service is taking action to meet the needs of someone else. 因此, a culture of service is a shared purpose where everyone is meeting the needs of others inside and outside the 组织. Teaching our people to be in service to others, no matter their role or interaction.
Another class that helps to facilitate a caring spirit is our communication skills class, 像领导者一样倾听. It’s the foundation for all our other classes in Barry-Wehmiller University and, 根据外围十大菠菜app多年来收到的反馈, 这可能是外围十大菠菜app最具影响力的.
Overwhelmingly, graduates of the class realized how little they knew about listening vs. 会说话的. 像领导者一样倾听 taught them how to listen actively—to hear not just the words but understand the meaning and feelings behind the words. 结果是:改善了工作关系和, 此外, 改善了与家人和朋友的关系.
“Listening to our customers is absolutely critical,马特说. “When we go on site and want to hear what they want from us, 从外围十大菠菜app的产品, 外围十大菠菜app得听听他们想要什么. 当然,这需要倾听.”
“We're working harder to understand what services our customers want to have, and really listening to what their needs are and what their wants are. We know that turnover is really high across all industries, 操作和维护,特别是瓦楞, 或者外围十大菠菜app所有的产品线. 客户在这方面举步维艰. What is it that we can do to help you better bridge that gap as you on董事会 new team members constantly? 外围十大菠菜app能做些什么?? 认真倾听他们的意见.”
The ability to seize the opportunity to serve and to actively listen helps to actualize caring for our customers, which is incredibly important for our field service team members.
“If we're better at listening, well, why are we better at listening? Because of the communications skills class, and the other things we're hearing about,马特说. “如果外围十大菠菜app的团队成员更有成就感, that means they're more engaged and more energetic about what they're doing.”
努力营造服务文化, 外围十大菠菜app的目标是抓住每一个机会来服务和, 这样做的时候, increase emotional connections that cultivate better relationships thereby offering ultimate service to all.
Like Matt, seizing the opportunity to touch lives through our business.
更好的工作. 正规博十大app排名 一个视频系列的设计是为了发光吗
light on team members throughout the global Barry-Wehmiller
组织. 通过上面的链接观看视频以了解更多信息